Digital Brand Outreach

At Fastlane we build more than links... we build relationships

Creating excellent content and publishing it on quality websites is a direct route to top search results.
Our Digital Brand Outreach service offers two major benefits :


By appearing on websites where your potential customers browse, you are a step ahead of your competition. Brand exposure is a key influencing factor when internet users decide where to spend their money.

Better search results

Brand outreach is a key link building strategy. By creating lasting relationships with webmasters, writers and website owners, you can develop quality backlinks to your site that drive high value visitors as well as improving link equity and PageRank. This translates into better rankings.


Our in-house team of writers produce quality, original articles, blog posts and stories which we then promote to our large and growing network of editors, website owners and bloggers. We only promote content on highly-relevant websites.
Our team are used to working with brand guidelines so you can rest assured you will be in safe hands.

Multilingual work

We are proud to be part of the Language Trainers Group, which is active in Europe, Australia, South America and North America and provides multilingual services (including internet marketing, translation & localization, tutoring and interpreting) to companies including Google, Expedia, Siemens, Rio Tinto, General Electric and many more.

We currently offer Digital Brand Outreach in English, Dutch, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish. If you have a large project in another language, we can certainly recruit on a per-project basis. Content creation and publishing allows your brand to reach new heights. How high? Click here to find out

Website owners / editors

If you are a webmaster who would be interested in receiving original news and articles that fit with your website, get in touch with our content team and let’s talk.

Click here to make an inquiry